
Fuel shortage in Bujumbura city


Bujumbura residents say fuel is increasingly becoming scarce in the capital city. They fear that the situation may get worse. Some service stations were not distributing fuel yesterday.

“For over two weeks, we have no fuel. I do not know what has happened, “said one“KOBIL” gas station attendant” at Kamenge .
The same situation is observed at ‘ENGEN’ gas station in Kamenge, north of Bujumbura. The pump attendant says it has been almost one month they have no fuel.

“Since morning I have been to at least 10 different gas stations to get fuel but to no avail,” said a bus driver using the Bujumbura-Rugombo route met at Top One gas station in Kigobe, central Bujumbura where pump attendants were providing fuel. “There is still fuel here but we get too many customers. They say they went everywhere but couldn’t find it, “says a pump attendant.

Only the ENGEN and KOBIL gas stations were not providing fuel but others were supplying fuel to their customers.
“We have not had fuel for over two weeks. The ‘KOBIL’ company could not stock up fuel because of the lack of foreign currency,”says the manager of the KOBIL gas station in Musaga, south of Bujumbura.

Daniel Mpitabakana, charged with managing fuel in the Ministry of Energy, says he noticed yesterday that some gas stations were not providing fuel. “I was informed by these oil companies that they have had a supply delay. This is a simple delay that will not last longer,” says Mpitabakana. He says there will be no fuel problem in two or three days because they said they missed foreign currency to import it. “In the middle of the past week, companies importing fuel received foreign currency to get it,” says Mpitabakana.






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