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Every year, the number of people in the labour market increases, and that means slimmer chances of getting hired. To actually stand a chance, you must stand out and show your potential employer that you’re better than the next person. Nobody wants to invest in a recruit that has little to offer; every business owner wants to make the most of their investment in you.

Recruiters often look out for certain traits in their employees, if you can exhibit some of them, you almost certainly will get hired. Here are some of those things they look out for.


A human who can’t communicate well isn’t complete. No employer will hire you if you cannot share your thoughts clearly enough. You must be able to communicate with both superior and junior staff. Without effective communication, an organisation cannot grow, because there’d be limited information flow.

You must be able to give feedback, sell ideas, listen, flow with a team, etc. You must include this as one of your skills in your resumé.



When I say this, I don’t mean you should not consult your bosses before you do things at the work place, no! There are protocols, and they must be followed. However, sometimes, you just have to act when you see it’s in the best interest of the organization. If you conceive an idea that is very viable, and requires urgent application for example, you’re expected to use it, and apply it, not wait for clearance. Business owners want smart people who can improve the organisation, not people they’ll help.


Some people say they have the ability to solve problems on their CV, but when they’re faced with actual problems, they quiver. Employers want recruits that can get beyond hurdles no matter how hard it may seem. If you cannot get past problems in your chosen career, you might as well forget applying for that job.


How well can you relate with people in a workspace? Some people are lone rangers, and that’s not particularly great for the success of an organisation. You’re required to be open to suggestions, and also take some of it if you really want to get progress. Employers can tell who has good interpersonal skills at an interview, so you must imbibe the skill before you even get to that point.


This is the most important of all the attributes being sought after in job candidates. Every other skill listed above is considered soft – only your technical skill is considered a hard skill. This is because it is highly important, and that is why you are going to be hired.

Consider a situation where you intend to hire a Software Developer who can communicate, lead a team, is vocal, can spot and solve problems, but has little or no idea about simple computer programming languages – pretty bad I guess. No matter the skill you have; without the appropriate technical skill to back it up, you are pretty seen as useless.




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