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Ugandan DJs Ban Chameleone Music


All Dee Jays in Uganda have united for a common cause which is none other than abandoning the music of the self proclaimed doctor of music, Jose Chameleon.

It is alleged that on the 19th of last month, Chameleone was involved in a fight with club Guvnor’s deejay Brian who was hanging out at industrial area based Club Play.

It’s rumored that the fight was as a result of an earlier exchange.

 Mutima who happens to be Chameleones’ Ex-manager at one night asked Dj Brian to play their music while at Guvnor but his response wasn’t pleasant.

“Tell Chameleone we play his songs before 11pm, let him always come around that time” that was Dj Brian’s response after the humble request by Mutima.

Chameleon Speaks out

Uganda got an interesting society in every business. From politics to the last part of community and its tales of envy, selfishness will never end l!! That explains why we stay behind in very many activities and later blame the unnecessary.
At the end of August 2016, I was requested by Mr. Charlie Lubega a Friend, Inspirational Big brother and Owner of Club Guvnor to grace the Legends night of September 2016. We both agreed on the date 27th September 2016.
I then asked him to ask his Club Dj’s to keep my music on rotation to activate the anticipated night.
On the next weekend I passed the club to see how it was going and I realized we had different interests – Me, The club owner and the Deejays who notoriously didn’t play not even a second of my music. That’s when I sighted failure of coordination hence I pulled out.
Another Club owner of the new Establishment Club” came to me asking me to be the star to open and launch his Club same month. As a business man I took his offer and did a great job which hasn’t gone down well with the neighboring Club Guvnor!! This sent them into panic and eventually one of its DJs found me and my friends in Club Play as I took a few friends out. He came and tried to reason with me telling me how Guvnor will start a war with me since I worked with its neighbouring Establishment.The argument heated and I asked him why they have the right to work with Different other artistes and I can’t work with other clubs as if I am married to them!!!!! We argued a lot but none of us was physical. Their DJ went back to Guvnor, Made a false report and after it didn’t pay, he has steered his selfish interest and shared it with more Dj’s around to validate his ego.
I wish to put this very clear that whosoever believes in such manner is not supporting a positive revolution to grow music beyond boundaries but using selfishness. We are all business men in a similar trade where if you don’t give respect to one you will never take none. You have played and depended on artistes music free of charge for so many years and internally failed copyright.
Why don’t you use the same Platform and tactics to demand for FairPlay and royalties every time artistes music is played.
I personally got fed up of negativity and now act accordingly to redeem our music and the unheard voices of upcoming and existing talent.

Source: www.

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