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US gives Kenya Airways permit for direct flights

National carrier Kenya Airways has been cleared to fly directly to the United States.

The Office of International Aviation made the announcement on Friday, director Brian Hedberg saying the order was effected on September 5.

Hedberg said there were no objections following a request on June 12 for concerns to be forwarded to the department.

All interested people were asked to give reasons that would prevent the award of a permit to KQ for flights to Washington DC.

The parties were given a 21-day period to file objections to the order.

“We said that if no objections were filed, all further procedural steps would be deemed waived, and the department would enter an order which would make final the findings and conclusions of the order.”

He added: “We make final our findings and conclusions as stated in the order and award to Kenya Airways the foreign air carrier permit with associated conditions attached.”

The director had said the order would be effected 61 days after submission for review unless disapproved by the US President or upon receipt advice from the President of his designee.

Hedberg said the order was order was submitted for review on July 6.

“The 61st day [was] September 5. Since the President or his designee did not disapprove this order before that date, it became effective on [that date].”

A copy of the order will be sent to the airline, the Kenyan embassy in DC, the Department of State and the Federation Aviation Administration.



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