
Burundi: The Sunlight, the power to overcome poverty

By Avit Ndayiziga.

Burundi faces an atrocious plight shortage of grid energy with only 10% of households having access to it as REGIDESO states. However, about 14 young boys and girls have been trained by DUSABE Energy Company to size, install and repair solar panels so as to light the Burundian community by renewable energy for sustainable development.

The country leaves behind 10million of people off grid energy. Unfortunately, the little available grid energy costs an exorbitant price. Since 2017, 150KW costs 68,200 BIF thus $36.

Richard DUSABE, after his studies in Norway at University of Agder in the faculty of Renewable Energy; he initiated DUSABE Energy Company which aims at fighting against poverty by the Sunlight. ‘‘The Sun is and will forever be free; so, we have to take advantage of it”. Said Engineer Richard DUSABE the Leader of DUSABE Energy Company. In this perspective; 14 young men both boys and girls have been trained by DUSABE Energy Company to size, install and repair solar panels so as to light the community and then create jobs by selling Pico products and Bright Sunbell smart solar lamps and other kits for solar panels installation .‘‘As a young lady, I feel empowered, solar panels installation it’s no longer a man job only’’ Said Darcene NIKUZE one of the trainees.

The lack of public awareness on the importance of renewable energy including its affordable price and insufficient funds for training and publicity stand as the greatest challenges that haunt DUSABE Energy Company. However,he plans to dominate the energy market by increasing sales of Pico products by introducing mobile charging station and by lighting the countryside which is almost forbidden by grid energy   company. Furthermore, DUSABE Energy company envisions to train a large number of young ladies and create sustainable partnerships with NGOs that work in the same field.

DUSABE Energy Company collaborates with INYISHU Solar company made of its former trainees and Green Box Company to promotes renewable energy in Burundi.

On the other hand, the Government of Burundi in partnership with the European Union through the ATASE II Project-2018-2020 Energy Sector Transition Support aims at boosting the rate of energy access to 20%.



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